Curriculum and Standards
Oregon State Standards
The Oregon State Standards define what students should know and be able to do within a content area at specific stages in their education. The goal of the Curriculum and Instruction team is to ensure that every learner’s strengths are recognized and their skills are developed through high-quality instruction, materials, and services aligned to the Oregon State Standards.
Health Instruction Plan
This document includes the Health Instruction Plan, which outlines how the health standards adopted by the Oregon State Board of Education, Oregon Administrative Rules, and policies adopted by the HRCSD Board of Education will be addressed through our school district's K-12 health instruction. It includes the grade level/course description, instructional materials, individualized learning experiences information as well as parental notification expectations.
Adopted Curriculum Materials
Included in this Google Document is a list of adopted curriculum materials supports our implementation and instruction of the Oregon State Standards across our school district.