Hood River County School District appreciates the community volunteers who generously dedicate their time to serving in school and our students. To apply to volunteer, please complete the following Google Form (English and Spanish versions linked below).
HRCSD Volunteer Application - English
HRCSD Volunteer Application - Spanish
We welcome parents and community members to volunteer in our school district. A strong volunteer program is vital to the success of our excellent schools. HRCSD staff understand that volunteers are important to the success of our students.
We want you to know that your volunteer work is valued for the duties you perform and also for the behavior you model for students. Sharing your time and energy shows students that you value education. Your words, actions, and attitudes show positive ways of working with others.
Please note that individuals need to be at least 14 years old to volunteer. Individuals who are a minor (less than 18 years old) need to complete a different application than linked above. Please reach out to Hood River Valley High School for more information.