Student Conduct on School Bus
Behavior on School Bus
Riding the school bus is a privilege. This privilege may be temporarily denied or permanently revoked if misconduct jeopardizes the safe operation of the school bus or the safety of students riding the bus. All students eligible for district-approved student transportation shall receive safety instruction and a code of conduct as outlined in this document. Violation(s) of the code of conduct or conduct which jeopardizes the health/safety of self and/or others may result in the loss of district-approved transportation services.
Behavior or activity jeopardizing the safe operation of the school bus or interfering with the welfare of other vehicle occupants is prohibited. The school bus operator will report promptly and in writing to appropriate administrative staff any conduct appearing to require disciplinary action. After administrative staff evaluation, appropriate disciplinary action may follow.
The code below classifies unacceptable behavior into four levels. The examples are not exhaustive but illustrative. Additionally, all consequences are dependent upon the severity and frequency of the behavior. The Transportation Department reserves the right to consider extenuating circumstances in determining disciplinary action.
Safety Instructions
Within the first six weeks of each half of the school year, the Director of School Safety and Security will direct all bus drivers to conduct a safety review with all students who are regularly transported by the district. Behavior Expectations will be reviewed in each school each year. Training may take place both on the school buses and in the school setting. The following will be reviewed:
- Safe school bus riding procedures, including but not limited to loading, unloading, crossing etc.;
- Use of emergency exits; and
- Planned and orderly evacuation of the school bus in case of emergency, including participation in actual evacuation drills.
- Proper behavior expected of student riders
Code of Conduct
Each year the district will include the following transportation rules in the student/parent handbook:
- The district will provide interpretation to those students/parents whose primary language is not English.
- While the following list is not exhaustive, students riding a school bus or type 10/20 activity vehicle will:
- Obey the driver at all times;
- *Not throw objects in the bus or out windows;
- *Not have in their possession any weapon as defined by Board policy
- *Not fight, hit, slap, wrestle or scuffle;
- *Keep all body parts and bodily fluids and personal property to self;
- *Not stand up and/or move from seats until you are at your bus stop or instructed by the driver;
- Sit properly in a safe manner, seat to seat, back to back, feet on the floor, stay out of the isle;
- *Not extend hands, head, feet or objects from windows or doors;
- Not apply perfumes, body sprays, essential oils, or other such items;
- *Not possess matches or other incendiaries and concussion devices;
- *Use emergency exits only as directed by the driver;
- *Not damage school property or the personal property of others;
- *Not threaten or physically harm the driver, monitor, or other riders;
- *Not do any disruptive activity which might cause the driver to stop the bus in order to reestablish order;
- *Not make disrespectful or obscene statements, or use foul language;
- *Not possess and/or use tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs (including e-cigarettes and vaping);
- Not eat, drink, or chew gum; Students will not transport popcorn
- Not carry glass containers or other glass objects, balloons, or any project or object with the potential to spill;
- Not take onto the bus skateboards, longboards, scooters, musical instruments or other large projects or objects which might pose safety risks or barriers to safe entry and exit from the bus or driving the bus;
- Accept assigned seats;
- Follow cell phone policy from student handbook. In addition, students may use cell phones while on the bus to listen to music, but must use earbuds/headphones and keep volume at a level to still hear direction from the driver. Cell phones must be kept out of sight. No taking pictures, videos, making calls, handing to others, sharing content, etc without prior approval from the bus driver.
- Stay away from the bus when it is moving;
- Be standing at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled depart time, no waiting in car, home, etc.;
- *Only use Transportation assigned bus stop;
- **Answer to coaches, teachers and chaperons who are responsible for maintaining order on trips.
- Not transport projects or items that are too big to fit in seat or on students lap
** Coaches, teachers and chaperones: (1) must know the bus regulations before going on a trip; and (2) must position themselves on the bus as to be in control of discipline at all times.
Student Behavior Expectations
Be Safe
- Stay seated
- Listen to the driver and follow directions
Be Respectful
- Use kind words and gestures
- Use talking voice
Be Responsible
- Don’t eat or drink on the bus
- Clean up after yourself