School Board
The school board is comprised of seven elected members serving four-year terms. Board members are elected by voters within the school district boundaries and represent the entire school district. Each year, the board elects their chair and vice xhair. Board members are community volunteers and do not receive compensation for their work.
Board members are elected from the district at large to serve four-year terms. Board elections occur in May of each odd numbered year. The term of office for school board members begins on July 1 immediately following the election.
Board Role
The school board is the policy-making body of the school district. It is responsible for providing an education program for students living within the district boundaries. To accomplish its role, the board:
- Appoints and evaluates the superintendent;
- Supports the long-range direction and vision of the school district as detailed in the strategic plan;
- Establishes policies that direct the instructional and support programs;
- Communicates and engages with the community;
- Calls for elections on bonds and other funding proposals;
- Advocates for education with local and state leaders;
- Recognizes staff and community contributions;
- Approves large contracts and agreements, including those with employee groups; and
- Approves the annual budget
The Hood River County School Board generally meets in work sessions and regular board meetings scheduled on two Wednesdays each month at 6:30 p.m. Please note the 2024-25 Board meetings will take place at the Nathanial Coe Administrative Center. If the location varies, the new location will be posted on the board meeting agendas. Closed executive sessions are scheduled to discuss personnel, legal matters, or negotiations, and are not open to the public. The work sessions and regular board meeting dates can be found on the Board Meeting Calendar. All regular and special meetings of the board are open to the public except as provided by law. The public may also view the school board meetings via the following link:
Citizen Comments
To sign up for public comment, please complete this Google Form.
"The Hood River County School District Board of Directors requests comments be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. Speakers will state their name and county of residence for the record. The Board appreciates community members sharing information during public comments. While the Board does not respond to public comment, following the meeting, the Chair, Vice Chair, and Superintendent will together determine the appropriate level of response. Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations or programs but the Board will not hear complaints concerning specific district personnel. If public comment exceeds 30 minutes, and speakers are unable to make public comment to the board, please submit your public comment by email and will be reviewed by the board chair and superintendent."
Please note public input will be limited to three minutes per person unless explicitly adjusted for a particular meeting by the Chair, with a maximum of 30 minutes total. Groups will be encouraged to appoint a spokesperson so the same issue is not repeated. If a large group of people wishes to discuss a specific topic, please designate one person to sign up to speak on behalf of the group. Each public speaker will need to submit the Google Form above before 12pm the day prior to the meeting.