Student Success Act
The Student Success Act (SSA, Oregon 2019 HB 3427) is an historic piece of legislation intended to bolster support of public education in Oregon. Designed to generate approximately $2 billion per biennium, the legislation is funded by a tax on businesses with taxable receipts of over $1 million. The legislation includes a 0.25% decrease in personal income taxes for payers in all but the top tax bracket to help ease the burden of potential pass-through costs to consumers.
The SSA is divided into three funding areas — one of which is specifically for public school districts:
Student Investment Account (SIA) - 50% of SSA funds. This money is available to school districts through a non-competitive grant process. School districts can use the money to support four areas including: Class size; well-rounded education; instructional time; and health and safety.
Click on the document to the right to review the Hood River County School District's grant application.